Hi there everyone, it is my very first post in this blog so i thought of sharing the most important thing i think that should come b4 even planing to do or accomplished anything at all, it is an idea that saves your time and puts you on track to achieve what you need.
1- (TARGET)First of all, you need to know what you want, it doesn't matter what is it what matters is how important it is, once you figure out that then you are ready to move to the next step.
2- Now you know what you want to have, do or to be? then you should know how to build a fixable plan to to achieve it by 2 ways:
A: (FIND OUT) Learn from other Experience, don't copy cat just see what suites you and leave the rest, the more you learn from others the more you get a clearer picture of what you need to do.
B: (TODO)Make your plan that suites your timing and needs and keep in mind to plan half of what you can do usually.
C: (NEEDS) if your plan requires some need, Define it.
D: (EXPLORE CHOICES) There is always a choice for any Need but your abilities define how easy the choice will be, that depends on how serious you are?
3- Finally, it is very important to know that if you want to succeed you have to go ahead and do it and forget about trying, make success your only option to make sure that you will never fail, what you have to lose anyway, JUST DO IT... (:
2- Now you know what you want to have, do or to be? then you should know how to build a fixable plan to to achieve it by 2 ways:
A: (FIND OUT) Learn from other Experience, don't copy cat just see what suites you and leave the rest, the more you learn from others the more you get a clearer picture of what you need to do.
B: (TODO)Make your plan that suites your timing and needs and keep in mind to plan half of what you can do usually.
C: (NEEDS) if your plan requires some need, Define it.
D: (EXPLORE CHOICES) There is always a choice for any Need but your abilities define how easy the choice will be, that depends on how serious you are?
3- Finally, it is very important to know that if you want to succeed you have to go ahead and do it and forget about trying, make success your only option to make sure that you will never fail, what you have to lose anyway, JUST DO IT... (:
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