5 Easy Steps to the Perfect Code Review


Code review is an important part of any software development process. By reviewing code and providing feedback, we can ensure that our applications are well-structured, bug-free, and meet industry standards. In this blog post, we'll walk through five easy steps to ensure that your code reviews are effective and efficient. With these simple steps, you'll be able to ensure that your code is perfect before deployment. Read on to learn more about the basics of code review and how to do it the right way!

1) Create a Checklist

One of the most important principles of code review is having a checklist. When you create a checklist, you're providing yourself and your team with a guide for the code review process. It's important to include all aspects of the review in your checklist, such as style, performance, security, and so on.
When creating a checklist, it's best to keep it relatively short and concise. You don't need to go into detail with each item, but instead use them as an introduction to the topics you will discuss. For example, when talking about security, you can simply state that "Security considerations will be discussed during the review". This allows you to quickly move through the topics while still covering all areas of the code review.
Finally, it's helpful to have a list of resources available during the review process. This could include links to coding style guides or any other material that may be helpful for understanding certain topics. Having this material on-hand ensures that everyone involved in the code review has all the information they need to make the most out of the process.

2) Do a Self-Review First
One of the most important steps of any code review process is to do a self-review first. Self-reviewing your code before submitting it for review helps you identify any issues you may have overlooked and gives you an opportunity to fix them. It also helps to ensure that the code you submit is of a higher quality and will make the review process easier and more efficient for everyone involved.
When doing a self-review, it's important to take the time to thoroughly check your code for errors, logical inconsistencies, and any potential security vulnerabilities. Make sure to pay close attention to any possible problems with data types, formatting, and readability. If there are any comments or notes that could help someone else understand your code better, be sure to add them in as well.
In addition to checking for errors and ensuring good readability, it's also important to consider how well your code fits into the overall architecture of the project. Does your code fit with the design and structure of the rest of the project? Are there any potential conflicts with other parts of the system? Are there any design decisions that could be improved upon? Thinking through these questions and making necessary changes can go a long way towards improving the overall quality of the project.
Once you've completed your self-review, take the time to document any changes you made, any potential issues you identified, and any questions you have. Having this information ready when you submit your code for review will help make sure that the review is as efficient and successful as possible.

3) Set Aside Time for the Actual Review

The review process should not be rushed. To ensure that the review is thorough, it is important to set aside enough time to get through the entire review. This can vary depending on the size and complexity of the codebase, but it is recommended that a minimum of two hours be set aside for the code review process.
When setting aside time for the review, try to also plan for any breaks or pauses in case you need them. This can help break up the monotony of the review process and keep you focused on the task at hand. You may also want to set a few goals or milestones that you want to achieve before taking a break.
Once you’ve set aside the necessary time for the review, you can start by creating a checklist. Having a checklist will help you to stay organized and ensure that you’re covering all of the important points of the review. From there, you can begin to look for areas of improvement in the code. During your review, make sure to be specific with your feedback and take notes of any mistakes or issues that you find. Finally, once the review is complete, it’s important to follow up with the author after to discuss any changes or corrections that need to be made.
By following these steps, you’ll be able to confidently complete your code review and have confidence in the quality of the code. By dedicating the necessary time to the review, you’ll be able to identify any errors or areas of improvement and make sure that the code meets the expected standards.

4) Be Specific with Your Feedback
Code reviews can be an invaluable tool for improving the quality of code, but it’s important to give specific, constructive feedback when reviewing. While it’s tempting to just point out problems with the code, try to focus on the positives as well.
When providing feedback, be sure to reference the particular line of code you’re commenting on. This helps the writer understand exactly what you are referring to and makes it easier to take action on your comments.
Be as specific as possible in your criticism. When pointing out areas of improvement, suggest alternative approaches or solutions that the writer may have overlooked. Explain why certain decisions could have been better, and offer helpful advice.
Finally, make sure your feedback is constructive. Criticism should never be personal or hostile, and be sure to keep the conversation focused on the code itself, not the individual who wrote it. A good rule of thumb is to try to imagine what it would be like to receive your feedback; if you would feel intimidated or discouraged by your own comments, it’s probably best to rephrase them in a more positive way.

5) Follow Up After the Review
Once the code review is complete, it’s essential to follow up on any feedback you’ve given and make sure it has been properly addressed. This will help ensure the code review process has been successful and that the code remains high quality.
You should ask the team member to report back on how they’ve addressed your comments. This will help confirm that they have understood and acted on your feedback. It’s important to make sure that all of the changes that have been made are thoroughly tested. If a mistake was made in the implementation of your suggestion, then this can be detected and addressed early on.
If you haven’t heard back from the team member or seen any progress after the review, then it’s important to follow up with them. You can do this through email, chat messages, or even in person. Make sure you are clear and concise with your follow-up message, explaining why you need the changes to be made. It’s also helpful to provide resources or additional materials that could be useful in helping the team member address your feedback.
In addition, make sure you set deadlines for when the changes should be completed. This will help keep everyone on track and make sure that the changes are implemented in a timely manner.
By following up after a code review, you can make sure that the team member has fully understood and implemented your feedback. This will help maintain the quality of the codebase and ensure that all changes are properly tested.
